Our partners and friends

Dear customers, here you will find some selected companies, partners and friends with whom we work together and whom we are also happy to recommend to you.


Sastre & Sastre Abogados
Amado Jaime Sastre Pza. Alexandre Jaume, 2 – 1º 07002 - Palma de Mallorca +34 971 71 88 35 ajs@sastre-lex.com www.sastre-lex.com
Puigserver Abogados
Alejandra Puigserver Aldeguer Av. d'Alemanya 15, Esc A, 1º1ª 07012 Palma de Mallorca +34 971 37 54 85 +34 661 76 01 63 puigserver@icaib.org www.puigserverabogados.com


Sbinmo - Software de Gestión Inmobiliaria Software de Gestión Inmobiliaria +34 971 43 98 05 info@sbinmo.com www.sbinmo.com